Friday, March 26, 2010
sidestepping at&t
Posted by Jessica at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Subliminal Messages?
One thing i can honestly say i have never considered is the product placement in movies and media. Perhaps clothing...but other than that i dont really notice. however, just seeing the products, is that putting a small message in my mind that maybe im not noticing? take lady gaga's new vid. she has coke cans in her hair as rollers. by just seeing the coke can, is that affecting me? im not sure,but i certainly want to find out. several things in her new video are brand name. however the one thing that i did happen to really notice was the miracle whip bottle. typically, dont music vids use unlabeled thing so we can get the gist of it? plus it has to suck if they paid for this because idk personally, im not going to switch to virgin mobile or fake mayo just because lady gaga had it in her video...but thats just a thought
Posted by Jessica at 10:15 AM 0 comments