? ??????????????Music Falls off the Page? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (25 Ratings)??1921 Grabs Today. 28329 To
tal Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????????????????Love Takes You Away? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (59 Ratings)??1907 Grabs Today. 59158 Total Grabs. ??????Previe BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, March 26, 2010

sidestepping at&t

heard the news yet? yes the itouch has become absolutely amazing. listen to music, watch videos, play games, have contacts, use the calendar, write notes, send texts, and now...you can make phone calls. this would completely render cell phones useless ALMOST. now, before you start foaming at the mouth, remember that you can only use most apps with wifi. so no wifi equals no fun. but all you have to do is buy an app and you can text for free. next, comes a new app that lets you make phone calls. Toktumi is the company(haha get it?) and through them you can get unlimited calling for 15$ a month in wifi zones. however, although this cloud seems to have all silver lining, there are a few downsides. in call there is this faint buzzing noise(the company says its just to let you know you are in call still, for comfort) and also, understanding the app is a nightmare. with several difficult ways to set it up, and lots of routing and number selection, id easily get confused. on the up side, i hear that the clarity of the call is AMAZING and if you have an iphone, the calls dont use up your minutes. i am still not 100% sure how this app works...so im not recommending it, although it does sound fantastic :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Subliminal Messages?

One thing i can honestly say i have never considered is the product placement in movies and media. Perhaps clothing...but other than that i dont really notice. however, just seeing the products, is that putting a small message in my mind that maybe im not noticing? take lady gaga's new vid. she has coke cans in her hair as rollers. by just seeing the coke can, is that affecting me? im not sure,but i certainly want to find out. several things in her new video are brand name. however the one thing that i did happen to really notice was the miracle whip bottle. typically, dont music vids use unlabeled thing so we can get the gist of it? plus it has to suck if they paid for this because idk personally, im not going to switch to virgin mobile or fake mayo just because lady gaga had it in her video...but thats just a thought

Sunday, March 21, 2010

catch 22's

i hate them. but then again, who doesnt...