? ??????????????Music Falls off the Page? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (25 Ratings)??1921 Grabs Today. 28329 To
tal Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????????????????Love Takes You Away? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (59 Ratings)??1907 Grabs Today. 59158 Total Grabs. ??????Previe BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve!

this year im particularly excited for new years. its a fresh start to a new year and i good way to forget about the mistakes and bad moments of this year, but also to reflect on all the good ones too. im so thankful for my family and friends for being great. though ive lost a few friends this year, ive gained a tremendous amount. also to mark the start of this new year, haha im actually going to play basketball for my stake's women's team...lol who would have thought it? i figured that itd be something to do rather than hang around the house after school all day and give me a chance to work out without really working out lol. im especially missing volleyball and i wish i could have it all year round. today was quite fun, i spent a good portion of it at the roswell stake center decorating for the new years eve dance tonight :) its going to be great, hopefully even more fun than last years. im a little tired though now, especially since the rosweel stake syc didnt help decorate, but hey, whatever i guess(they can clean it all up lol) so thats what ill be doing tonight. anyways i hope everyone has a great night tonight, happy new years!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

so i had already started typing this post when randomly my laptop decides to pull up my facebook profile. turns out i was logged in and someone was messaging me. but anyways today has just been a day of hanging around the house playing with all the various items we recieved for christmas. im still playing with my new laptop and hunter is playing a mario game on the wii...its that new one thats supposed to be like the old school mario brothers however im sad to say that while it does have the characteristics it has all these new features that just take away from the original game which i gretl prefer. if you SAY the game is the old school mario brothers then i think that it should actually be 100%...there are levels on this game that dont even exist in the other one. i do like that you have to turn the wii controller to the side to play though, it gives off more of a gameboy feel. at least to me. now time to just count down the days until new years...woohoo?

today has just been the usual hanging around the house sort of day...im still playing around with my new laptop and my other siblings are dividing their time between the wii and the candy they got in their stockings.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas :)

so rather than mess around with my old blog, which i didnt ever update or pay attention to, i though id just make a new one. and thanks to my new laptop(thanks Santa) ill be able to actually post stuff more often. as we all know, today is christmas and my family has had a wonderful day and plenty of family time. we got some land (dont worry, its very close to our house) so my parents can build their dream home, and what can i say? they deserve it and i really hope it turns out the way they dream it will. as long as i get my tree house :) and yes, i am seventeen and want to build a tree house...anyways merry christmas to all and i hope that you have had an amazing day :D love yall